Homeopathic Remedies for Acne

Acne refers to the appearance of inflamed sebaceous glands in the skin and is usually characterized by red pimples noticeable on the face. Homeopathy provides the safest and natural remedy for acne. These medicines are gentle and work internally with a significant effectiveness. Homeopathic medicines are highly recommended because of their ability to treat acne at the root rather than suppress them. Some of the best homeopathic medicines for treating acne include; HeparSulph, Kali Bromatum, Psorinum Sulphur, and BerbisAquifolium.

HeparSulph and CalcareaSulphurica

These homeopathic medicines are essential in treating pustular acne (acne that usually contains pus). In some cases, the pus may be mixed up with blood.HeparSulph will help solve this issue as it will also help in relieving you of the pain.CalcareaSulphurica is the perfect solution for acne that oozes yellow colored pus.


Psorinum serves as the ideal homeopathic medicine for all types of acne. It is effective for treating acne in oily skin where the sebaceous glands which are overactive secrete excess sebum, thereby making your skin greasy.Psoriumhas the capability of reducing the secretion of oil and will help you treat acne. It is the best for treating intolerably itchy acne that worsens during the winter.

AntimoniumCrudum and Natrum Mur

These homeopathic medicines are recommended for treating cheeks acne.Antimonium will help your skin recover faster. It will relieve you of the heat and a burning sensation felt on the cheeks. Natrum Mur is important in treating oily cheeks and prickling pain in the acne. This medicine is usually prescribed for those girls who have acne and are anemic.

Kali Bromatum

Kali Bromatum is useful in treating face shoulders, and chest acne. The acne may exist as simplex, indurated, or pustular. In cases where acne leaves scars that are ugly or bluish-red pimples, Kali Bromatum is the best option to consider.


Silicea helps your forehead acnes to heal faster and in a pleasant way. It is also recommended for pustular acneand excessive sweat on the face.


Sulphur is usually recommended for acne that is very itchy. It works best for people with dirty and unhealthy looking skin that itches a lot. This homeopathic remedy helps you stay comfortable during the night by relieving you of the burning sensation.

Nux Vomica

This homeopathc medicine is the perfect choice for people suffering from acne attended with gastric complaints. Chronic constipation is what is believed to cause the gastric complaint with the acne characterized by a burning sensation.


BovistaLycoperdon is preferred for the treatment of acne that is caused by the use of cosmetic products. This type of acne is characterized by swelling of cheeks as one may feel a lot of pain. The skin can also become extremely itchy.


PulsatillaNigricans helps in treating acne in women experiencing menstruation irregularities. This homeopathic medicine is suitable for young girls who are in their puberty. It is also used to treat acne caused by consumption of fatty foods.

Acne can be embarrassing and uncomfortable when not handled with care. You should always give your skin and face the equal attention you give to other parts of your body.